Welcome to the THE BLACK VAULT!
We wish to accumulate and preserve a treasure trove of information coming from, and concerning, the extreme Metal-underground. To this end, you are hereby invited to enter the Vault and take part in online discussions about extreme Metal of all genres, including other music too. Also, feel free to share your thoughts on anything that you deem important to the underground culture of extreme Metal. In return, we offer you:
A place of free speech and freedom of art.
We understand that extreme Metal appeals to extreme minds. No matter if you find yourself to be political, unpolitical, or you have dissenting views relative to the perceived consensus of the majority. Don’t mince your words, speak up! Your opinion will matter in the Vault. No censorship!A place that values and protects privacy.
We understand that you might want to stay anonymous on the internet. The Vault is located at a secure server, and we keep our software up to date. If you want to use our real-time chat box for talking to other members, or you want to lurk the forum without anyone knowing, it’s up to you!A place where you can promote your music & merchandise.
We stand against deplatforming and cancel culture which is hitting the underground music scene, which has a history of non-conformity towards mainstream & trends. TBV is the facility that allows underground labels, as well as bands, to promote their releases and music that may otherwise be censored on other platforms.A place where you can trade, sell and search any record.
We understand that you have a wish-list of rare records you need for your collection, or you want to sell or trade records you no longer need, but Discogs / eBay won’t let you. The Vault is the place to be for you, then. Our Black Market comes with a feedback system that will show right away whom to trust, and if you have complaints you can resolve them right there, either.Join the Vault. Take extreme Metal where it belongs, to the underground!
The Black Vault
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Black Market
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Popular Contributors
Who's Online 49 Members, 1 Anonymous, 5 Guests (See full list)
- empirealgol
- riskful
- DarknessAndEvil
- Weltenfeind
- Down there...
- JoanGogh
- Diacetylmorphine
- deathrune
- _AK_
- Violence_Nocturne
- sealcat
- Zmrok
- Outside Of The Skull
- KJ.
- Lifeinabox1981
- The_Cross_Burns_Black
- c.c
- nameless
- empress11218
- Mortuary-Krematorium
- Vala
- eternal_soul
- KnezDomagoj
- Perkele
- crushinghammer
- Warlust
- ArmoredTrooper
- Master_Of_Reality
- CosmicWeaponOfThule
- doomswing
- Z0rn
- vrilya187
- DOGE666
- #PosersLivesMatter
- windsock
- wotanicpride89
- skyggene
- Diocletian69
- ViveLaGuerre
- xxxxx
- Citrinitas
- eamonius
- lordofthevoid666
- Balmberg
- Psywar
- Infernal666
- xupirx
- Gargoyle
- Xeniteia
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